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Day 235 - The Power of Honesty, Truth, and Wise Speech in Cultivating a Fulfilling Life of Faith

Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023

Honesty, truth, and wise speech lead to a faithful life.

O that a guard were set over my mouth,
and a seal of prudence upon my lips,
that it may keep me from falling,
so that my tongue may not destroy me! (Sirach 22.27 Bible Gateway, Revised Standard Version (RSV))

Honesty, truth, and wise speech are all components of a faith and belief-filled life. Kindness and action bring good results for yourself and others.

Jesus was resurrected and appeared to Mary as she stood by his earthly resting place. Mary of Magdala didn't understand that she saw angels where Jesus' head and feet had lain and that she also witnessed Jesus himself. She was filled with such sorrow at his disappearance that she did not connect Jesus' prophecy of what was to come with what she saw. He had spoken a great truth, but no one understood until they saw. Humans can be so blind to the unseen. Indeed, the blessed believe without seeing, not allowing fear and doubt to take hold.

You did not visibly see the empty tomb, the angels, and the resurrected Jesus. Do you believe anyway? Why? Share this with others; this is a conversation worth sharing and discussing. Understand your why and talk about it with others at every opportunity.


Lord, help me use my voice for your good. Lead me to share even when I am uncomfortable. I have found that listening to others enriches my experiences with you. I can learn to be more open and willing to receive you after I have spoken with someone about you. I hear you use your voice through theirs and mine, and I am in awe. There are many times I do not know what to say, yet I begin speaking, and the words come through me from you. They were not in my mind before speaking them. I know this must be you. I am grateful for this mystery and offer to be used this way at any point. I am your soldier, yours to lead. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

Jody Genovese, CZT Original Tangle ANTHEM Drawn on Yellow QoR Watercolor Background with Black Micron by Texas Artist and Author Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT®


a tangle originated by Jody Genovese, CZT

Word of the Day


Read the Scripture in context on the Bible Gateway website.

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09 de dez. de 2023
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There are many times I do not know what to say, yet I begin speaking, and the words come through me from you, God. Thank you.

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