On the sixth day of the Finding Your Creative Bones® devotional, I was thinking about how we see and understand the truth of a person's character or make judgments either intentionally or without realizing we are judging. Either way can lead us to mistakes in whom we trust and how we live our lives. C'ING is a tangle created with the hope that we can become better and stronger in our ability to see people and what they truly stand for. So that we can become more compassionate and kind to those like us and those on the journey of life not yet where they will find their lives to be happiest. Understanding others is crucial to our personal growth and the impact and influence of others on our lives.
I hope you enjoy creating C'ING.

Within the Day 6 blog and book, I tangled C'ING on a watercolor background, shown below. I love the simplicity of a single tangle on a Golden QoR watercolor background using a Micron 01 fine liner. The step-out also uses a red Micron 01 fine liner. I included shading in 3 different ways within the big block.

an original tangle by Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT
Want to learn how to tangle using the Zentangle® Method? Follow the link and use the Contact Me in the menu to let Cindy Rae know.