Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
We are all unique and gifted in different ways.
But all these are the operations of the one and the same Spirit, giving to every man separately as his pleasure is. For as the body is one, and has a number of parts, and all the parts make one body, so is Christ. For through the baptism of the one Spirit we were all formed into one body, Jews or Greeks, servants or free men, and were all made full of the same Spirit. For the body is not one part, but a number of parts. If the foot says, Because I am not the hand, I am not a part of the body; it is no less a part of the body. And if the ear says, Because I am not the eye, I am not a part of the body; it is a part of the body all the same. If all the body was an eye, where would be the hearing? if all was hearing, where would be the smelling? But now God has put every one of the parts in the body as it was pleasing to him. And if they were all one part, where would the body be? But now they are all different parts, but one body. (1 Corinthians 12.11-20 Bible in Basic English (BBE))
We are all unique and gifted in different ways, but there is the same God for all of us. Cherish the differences in each other. Know that God made it so.
Rejoice in the delightful nuances in one another. They are from the Lord. Use the differences for good, for service, and for spreading the word throughout the world. Use your and their strengths to build the kingdom and bring true, everlasting joy into others' lives. Be with others, whether like you or not, if they believe. Together, there is a greater probability of finding ways to change the world. There is power in numbers. When people work together, you often discover a joy that cannot be found in working alone. Working together encourages you to want to know more, do more, and, as a result, find unexpected pleasure as you work for the Lord.
Father, you created everyone and every aspect of who we are. I can't begin to understand how you might have created such an astounding number of people, personalities, goals, desires, and every characteristic that makes us unique. We are nuanced in all ways, and I love that every person I meet and know is unique in their way. These differences can become difficulties if I choose to fight the differences. Help me remember the positive of the person I am talking to. They have something to offer my life experience, even if we don't go about life the same way. If we both love you, we can always gain something from knowing one another. Please help me find ways to team with them in joy-filled experiences. Enable me to have an open mind to learn from them and serve you in new and different ways. I appreciate you, Lord, and you have given us a world of fantastic potential, relationships, and opportunities to grow with those who love you. Amen
a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Read the scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English (BBE) website.
It's like we are all the same but different in so many ways. As I was reading where you said, "for the body is not one part but a number of parts" I had to chuckle. When I had my surgery, the surgeon told me just like appendix, we don't need a gallbladder. So I asked her why can't God just leave them out. LOL I have to believe that one of my gifts is that of humor!
Yes, indeed, I love that every person I meet and know is unique in their way.
This tangle is perfect for today's writings.
I think it is important that everyone is different. We all bring different skills and sensibilities to any project we work on. Nothing would get done if we were all trying to complete the same tasks and voicing the same opinions!
I like that it takes all kind of body parts, human beings, talents, personalities to form a whole. Sometimes I wish that the lone warriors in the team would understand that it is not possible without the other ones. Tamara