Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Finding the joy you may not have expected in serving God.
For many, it takes a lifetime to realize and understand that we are born to be the servants of God. Living our lives to find happiness through service to the Lord is a primary reason for existing. Look at this as important news for your life. He asks for our faith. Our faith naturally becomes some form of action. This action is our service. That service demonstrates our love for God and others.
Occasionally, it will be painful to offer this service, yet there is no lasting pain in belief. Instead, with confidence and your actions, blessings will bring great joy. Serving God and believing in the Lord brings security in the knowledge that something brighter, better, and more beautiful lies ahead.
Loving Lord, I am your servant. Use me as you will. I offer my skills for your service to help others. You fill my glass with joy and blessings, and I am grateful. Today, allow me to give others a glass of happiness so they might see you in me and my actions and turn to you for everlasting life. With profound gratitude, I pray. Amen

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Learn how to draw GLACE. The Tireless Tangler, Cyndee Pelley CZT, created this video showing you how to tangle GLACE. In the end, she has a great tip on shading! For more beautiful tangles, check out Cyndee's website.