Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2024
I will follow you and the Holy Spirit's guidance to serve you.
It serves them right. How many times have you heard or thought this? What do you think of this thought? Is it just and fair, something Jesus would have thought? When you consider the parables, do you remember one that said, "It serves him or her right for their actions?" Judging others is an easy trap for us to fall into, yet clearly, the Bible instructs us not to judge. There is only one true judge, and that is God. Judgment from us leads to condemnation of another's actions. To condemn another is to condemn ourselves.
You may be called to be part of a jury at some point, but it is your calling from God to refrain from judgment during the process, which may be very difficult. You can serve the law and God, but God must come first. It is a tightrope, and you will need to walk carefully. Pray and seek God's wisdom throughout the process. He will guide you through the Holy Spirit's wisdom if you ask.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for judging others. Please save me from my humanness. Also, please help me do my part for my community in the fashion you would have me serve when I am called. Grant me wisdom and guide me throughout the experience. I will follow you and the Holy Spirit's guidance to serve you best. I pray in Jesus Christ's name. Amen
a tangle originated by Diana Sexton
Word of the Day
Learn how to draw ITSY TWISTY on the Hunkey Dorey Land blog site.
God, grant me wisdom and guide me throughout all experiences, whatever they may be.