Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Do you see and understand the truths in the Old and New Testaments?
Why are we so hard-headed? Why do so many doubt? Are we so gullible and selfish that we do not want to believe what is so apparent? The Holy Bible shares everything you need to form your beliefs. Journey through the Bible with open eyes and an open heart, and you will find yourself asking how could I ever doubt? The references to Jesus throughout the Old Testament, written long before his birth, are accurate to the New Testament. No human could have made that happen, yet the two Testaments repeatedly refer to each other. Can you see and understand the truths in the Old and New Testaments? God is real, Jesus is real, and our Redeemer, the Savior of the World, is real. Your Savior. Your Lord today and always.
Lord, help me see the truths in Scripture; help me understand your plan—the plan you laid out from the beginning, long before I was born. Through that understanding, I can create the life I am to live, creating love and sharing you with others—to love others more generously than I love myself.
I want to respect you, your asks of me, and all I meet daily. Grant me patience with myself so I can continue to grow my understanding of your word. Help me study so I can speak from truth and the wisdom you put in my heart. Let your word land on my tongue, and your meaning grow in my heart. Thank you for all of this and what I do not yet understand. I pray in Jesus Christ's name. Amen

a tangle originated by Tina Hunziker, CZT®
Word of the Day
Learn how to draw HAMAIL on the CZT Tina Hunzikers Akua-Art blog site.
God,lLet your word land on my tongue, and your meaning grow in my heart. Thank you for all of this and what I do not yet understand ........yet.