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Day 321 - The Parable of the Sower, Will it Ignite Your Belief?

Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023

What is your reaction to the Parable of the Sower?

In the Parable of the Sower, there were four places where the seed fell. The first on the path where birds ate all that fell. Like a person who hears something from God but refuses to accept anything from the words. To them, they were only words.

The seeds then fell among the rocks with little soil and water to nourish and sustain growth. Like God's words that interest you and spark some change but are not understood or accepted. They were only words.

Other seeds fell among vigorous throne bushes that overgrew the sprouts and killed them with a lack of light. These are like the words of God, gladly accepted with joy but given no priority. As a result, life overwhelms the words as they grow no strong roots in the soul when worldly things become more critical. These words kindled smoke but had little oxygen and generated no fire—only words in the end.

Then, there were the seeds that fell on tilled and nourished soil. They grew and grew. Their harvest is plentiful, like hearing God's words, which open a deep and special place in the heart and soul of the hearer. They became rooted in the person who heard. These words ignite a new life, destined for a mighty harvest for all who let them in and believed. They were so much more than words.


Lord, sow your words into me. Prepare me for your harvest. Please help me be strong and able to overwhelm the world's compulsions. Let me hear your words in the deepest part of my being, and teach me how to nourish them and become all I can and should be with them. I thank you and truly am yours today and always. I pray in Jesus Christ's name. Amen

Vera Giesbrecht Original Tangle SPROCKET Drawn on Yellow QoR Watercolor Background with Black Micron by Texas Artist and Author Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT®

a tangle originated by Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT®

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Let me hear your words in the deepest part of my being, and teach me how to nourish them and become all I can and should be with them.

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