Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Search for the wisdom from Heaven for your thoughts and words.
But the tongue may not be controlled by man; it is an unresting evil, it is full of the poison of death.
With it we give praise to our Lord and Father; and with it we put a curse on men who are made in God's image.
Out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing. My brothers, it is not right for these things to be so.
Does the fountain send from the same outlet sweet and bitter water?
Is a fig-tree able to give us olives, my brothers, or do we get figs from a vine, or sweet water from the salt sea?
Who has wisdom and good sense among you? let him make his works clear by a life of gentle wisdom.
But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true.
This wisdom is not from heaven, but is of the earth and the flesh and the Evil One.
For where envy is, and the desire to get the better of others, there is no order, but every sort of evil-doing.
But the wisdom which is from heaven is first holy, then gentle, readily giving way in argument, full of peace and mercy and good works, not doubting, not seeming other than it is.
And the fruit of righteousness is planted in peace for those who make peace. (James 3.8-18 Bible in Basic English (BBE))
How can you have love in your heart and mouth when thinking about the Lord, yet feel bitterness and lack of compassion for your neighbor or the stranger you believe wronged you? Yet we do. One approach is loving and of God; the other is hateful and stems from evil—yet another way you may find separates you from God. Something to consider is what drives you and owns you. Who do you want to be owned by?
Heavenly Father, I realize I am not always of your mind and heart—evil creeps in unexpectedly and swiftly. Please save me from this. I know I cannot protect myself. Help me greet all people with genuine love. Please help me always to think positively and lovingly of all I meet and see. Remove the barriers in my mind and heart; let me always see with your eyes, love, and heart. With the wisdom of Heaven, I will progress in overcoming my weaknesses. I pray in Jesus Christ's name. Amen

a tangle originated by Mei Hua Teng, CZT®
Word of the Day
Read the Scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English (BBE) website.
Lord, remove the barriers / nets, like this tangle, in my mind and heart; let me always see with your eyes, love, and heart.
Supe cool tangle for this message.