Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Do you accept that God can do all things?
It is said that He, God, can do all things. Do you live by these words? Do you see the splendor in the dawn of a new day that is captured within these words? Do you hear the flutter of birds wings carrying them off to a new place? Do you see the twinkle in a friend's eye as they lovingly tease you about your love of butterflies? Do you find wonder in the fuzziness of a caterpillar and mystery in their persistence?
The world our Lord makes for us is mysterious, wonderful, and beautiful beyond understanding, yet it has darkness, too. We ourselves can be dark and unfathomable to others but not to the Lord. You do not have to live with the darkness. If you choose, he will heal the darkness with the quickness of a fox running for his den. Run to Jesus and ask for Christ's Light to fill you. Allow the light to chase out any nagging doubt and fear. You will most likely need to repent. All humans are imperfect beings due to our decisions. invite Christ into your life in a more profound way. It is never a false or bad choice. Allow him and the Father to heal you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you today and always. Then, look for the darkness to lift. Do you see how the world seems brighter with the Lord's love? The light is there for you to accept... in all of God's glory.
Even those whom he has made free, will come back again; they will come with songs to Zion; on their heads will be eternal joy; delight and joy will be theirs, and sorrow and sounds of grief will be gone for ever. (Isaiah 35.10 Bible in Basic English (BBE)
Jesus, blind me and my whole body with your light. Fill me with your goodness, your love. Drive out any lingering fear, sorrow, and shame with the knowledge you have, and please forgive me. I ask for forgiveness and the joy that comes from your freedom. I believe with my whole heart you are the Son of God and have the power to heal me, my sins, and all of the wrong in my life. I give myself to you with love and know that your mercy will receive my prayer and heal my life. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

a tangle originated by Theresa Glover
Word of the Day
Read the Scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English (BBE) website.
Jesus, I believe with my whole heart you are the Son of God and have the power to heal me, my sins, and all of the wrong in my life.