Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Miles are no boundary for the infinite reach of God.
The Apostles traveled far from home to bring God's message and understanding of Christ and our Father to others. They proved repeatedly that extreme miles are no boundary for the infinite reach of God. Everywhere they went, the believers' numbers grew. It seems incomprehensible they could make their way from the Middle East, as we know it today, to Europe. Yet they did. The Holy Spirit led, guided, and protected them while bringing new believers into the fold. For most of us today, God does not ask us to travel too far or bear unmanageable discomfort to believe and bring others to you. Still, we often hesitate.
Lord, I ask that you gift me with greater awareness of the Holy Spirit to guide my and other believers' journeys and our interactions with those who still need to believe. Please remove our hesitation and excite us for the journey you ask us to embark on. Though we may never need to leave our neighborhood, help us expand our reach, faith, and understanding through compassion and love with all we meet. When I encounter hesitation, fill my heart and mind with your grace, patience, and light. I feel confident that these and all of the other gifts you bestow will open the eyes and hearts of others so they will sense and be open to your love. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

a tangle originated by Suzanne McNeill, CZT®
Word of the Day
When I encounter hesitation, fill my heart and mind with your grace, patience, and light. Nudge me to step on the escalator to travel the miles in your vision for me.