Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Finding the strength of faith, conviction, forgiveness, and humility that Stephen demonstrated for all of us.
Many Acts 7 Scripture versions tell the story of Stephen seeing the heavens open and Jesus standing at God's right hand. Stephen was also described in that moment as transformed by the Holy Spirit with the face of an Angel. His belief was undefeatable. Just following that, Stephen was stoned to death. Scripture describes it as he went to sleep.
The Sanhedrin saw an angel's face when they looked at Stephen, yet in their selfishness, they stoned him to death. Their fear and arrogance led them to grievous sin, yet Stephen's last words pleaded to the Lord to forgive them.
Stephen was a martyr and an example for us to strive to follow. When in a time of distress, remember and pull upon the strength of Stephen; his last sight was of God and Jesus. His thoughts were about the forgiveness in his heart. If you believe and show your faith as Stephen did, no lasting harm can ever come to you.
Father, grant me the strength of faith, conviction, forgiveness, and humility that Stephen demonstrated for all of us. No matter what happens to me, I know you are there with Jesus at your right hand. Preserve me and my faith for you forever until I see your loving face and sweet Jesus. Please help me turn the hearts of those you choose to you and away from him. This world needs work, and I am your servant. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

a tangle originated by Ginny Lu, CZT
Word of the Day
No matter what happens to me, I know you are there with Jesus at your right hand.