Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
The resurrection miracle of Lazarus; exploring the power of faith.
Then Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here my brother would not be dead.
But I am certain that, even now, whatever request you make to God, God will give it to you.
Jesus said to her, Your brother will come to life again.
Martha said to him, I am certain that he will come to life again when all come back from the dead at the last day.
Jesus said to her, I am myself that day and that life; he who has faith in me will have life even if he is dead;
And no one who is living and has faith in me will ever see death. Is this your faith? (John 11.21-26 Bible in Basic English (BBE))
After they had reached the tomb.
Jesus said, Take away the stone.
Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said, Lord, by this time the body will be smelling, for he has been dead four days.
Jesus said to her, Did I not say to you that if you had faith you would see the glory of God?
So they took away the stone. And Jesus, looking up to heaven, said, Father, I give praise to you for hearing me.
I was certain that your ears are at all times open to me, but I said it because of these who are here, so that they may see that you sent me.
Then he said in a loud voice, Lazarus, come out!
And he who was dead came out, with linen bands folded tightly about his hands and feet, and a cloth about his face. Jesus said to them, Make him free and let him go.
Then a number of the Jews who had come to Mary and had seen the things which Jesus did had belief in him. (John 11.39-45 Bible in Basic English (BBE))
It must have been a sight to see Lazarus walk out of his tomb. He was still wrapped in burial cloths that covered him from head to toe. Can you hear the intake of breath as people saw him emerge? The shocked faces, some would have been afraid as their minds processed what was happening. Disbelief, shock, fear, relief, happiness, awe, and many other emotions. To see a true miracle of faith performed by the Messiah. How could anyone not have believed? It is no wonder the Pharisees became even more afraid. Their evil and disbelief heightened, and they grew fearful that the future they were trying to manipulate was threatened.
Loving Father, I have not seen anyone who has risen from the dead. The resurrection miracle of Lazarus seems incredible. That it could happen, especially after someone has been dead for a few days, is fantastic. You proved you are almighty when you brought Lazarus from death through Jesus. Because this Scripture exists, I believe. I believe that you are all-powerful and that there is no task that you cannot accomplish. It pleases me to read and learn of the truths of your strength. These truths make it easier to speak of your wonders with complete faith. I am grateful that you encouraged so many to record what happened in the past so that we can grow an understanding of you based on truths. Thank you for your gifts of love, Lord. You show such compassion and understanding of us through the miracles you made happen so we could believe. Amen.

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Learn how to draw CADENT VARIATION in a step-out drawn by Ina Sonnenmoser.
Read the Scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English (BBE) website.
I believe. I believe that you are all-powerful and that there is no task that you cannot accomplish, Lord.