Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Heavenly Father, you are THE Father I have sought all my life.
The spirit is the life giver; the flesh is of no value: the words which I have said to you are spirit and they are life.
But still some of you have no faith. For it was clear to Jesus from the first who they were who had no faith, and who it was who would be false to him.
And he said, This is why I said to you, No man is able to come to me if he is not given the power to do so by the Father.
Because of what he said, a number of the disciples went back and would no longer go with him.
So Jesus said to the twelve, Have you a desire to go away?
Then Simon Peter gave this answer: Lord, to whom are we to go? you have the words of eternal life;
And we have faith and are certain that you are the Holy One of God. (John 6.63-69 Bible in Basic English (BBE))
Humanity does not live by bread alone. Yet the bread Jesus repeatedly speaks about in Capernaum is himself. He is the bread and blood of a genuinely everlasting life. Believe and live. Believe and join our Father in heaven. Believe and be raised on the last day. Consume Christ and live.
In Capernaum, there were many there who doubted. Jesus was clear to them when he was questioned. If you are to be and become a believer, the Father will have drawn you to Jesus. Those who do not come from the Father are not faithful followers. You may not realize you have been called. Listen for the spirit. Do you hear or see signs of the Father? Do not push them away. Hear him, grow confident in the love he is showering you with. He calls with love. God loves you and believes in you. Be like Simon Peter. Where else would you go besides following Jesus and his path to our Father?
God, I know you are THE Father I have sought my entire life. I understand you were always there calling, waiting for me to hear. I will not turn away. With my whole heart, I will adore and love you as children love their parents. Yet I know that while a parent may make mistakes, you will not. There are no mistakes when it comes to you, Lord. You are complete perfection, and you desire perfection for your children. But our humanity stands in the way. Help me recognize the human traits that separate me from you. You are not creating the feeling of separation. I am. A mix of sorrow, shame, and regret that becomes useful for the enemy to move me away from you. I know it, I feel it, yet it still occurs. Help me recognize this more quickly and stop allowing my future to be altered by the one who does not love me. Instead, he is the one who hates you and me so much that he will do anything to tear me away from you. Your love and help will keep me from giving him that satisfaction. I am thankful you called me again and again. Amen.

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Read the Scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English (BBE) website.
Lord, I understand you were always there calling, waiting for me to hear. Thanks for YOUR patience.
This is just what I needed today! I do wonder though why some are called and some are not.
Also love the Ratoon!