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Day 20 - Wonderous Mysterious Miracles in Your Life, Gifts from God

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023

Do you recognize the miracles in your life?

Have you seen the miracles in your life? Where have you seen the unexpected come true?

In the Old Testament, in the book of Exodus, we learn about Moses. The miracles in his life started when he was only months old. First, he was found by Pharoh's daughter, who immediately loved him and arranged for Mose's mother to nurse him. Then she raised him to great honor as her Son, a prince of Egypt, as they say in the movie! How probable was this when considering that the Hebrews were enslaved to the Egyptians? When they first entered bondage, it was willingly to ensure they didn't starve and perish.

Can you imagine the Lord's work to ensure that all came about as he needed so that Moses could fulfill his wonderous destiny to help the Lord free the Israelites from Egyptian rule? A miracle?

Then, in the New Testament, we learn about Jesus multiplying the fish and loaves to feed the multitude. There were many miracles between these two occurrences. Is it unreasonable that you have seen a miracle sometime in your life? But do you recognize it, the gift from God you have already received?

Can you see that believing with a whole and open heart is a miracle continuously fueled by your small acts of faith? Do you see or allow yourself to be blind to the Lord and his Son, Jesus?

Pray for your miracle of sight and faith.


Heavenly Father, I have a feeling that I am surrounded by miracles and acts of faith that I do not see. I witness them but have no awareness of their meaning. I ask you today to remove the blinders from my eyes, ears, and heart. Please help me to see you and your wonders in the smallest of events and the overlooked and under-appreciated within the world. You and your acts are continually before me, yet my blinders prevent my sight. Remove them, and scatter these distractions to the wind so they will not return. I want to see you everywhere and in everyone.

Each person is a miracle, and my sight of their blessings is essential to them and me. I want to recognize and bless you continuously for the gifts you bring into my life. Now, I ask myself how I could ever do anything but surrender myself to your majesty. Only blindness of my faith could allow me to miss your beauty. Please remove my blindness and enable me to see what is truly there. You, your Son's grace and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. May your living breath continuously enter my soul until I join you in eternity. In Jesus Christ's my savior's name. Amen

Zentangle®, Inc. Original Tangle TORTUCA in a Grid Formation Drawn on Yellow QoR Watercolor Background with Black Micron by Texas Artist and Author Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT®

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.

Word of the Day


Learn how to draw TORTUCA. Brenda Campbell of Angel Whispers Art created this YouTube demonstration.


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May 08, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

With open heart, I see more clearly the miracles God always has in my life. Your tangle is PERFECT for this reminder.

Cindy Rae Fancher
Cindy Rae Fancher
May 09, 2023
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I am so pleased that the Tangle is a visual reminder of God in your life. That is precious to me. Cindy Rae

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