Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
I begin anew today with this prayer for your help to make a difference for you.
May you never know deceit, betrayal, or selfishness. Unfortunately, these exist today in many people; do not doubt it. The news is full of them: drug and sex traffickers, politicians with few morals, scandalized churches, and so many other situations of personal greed outweighing the needs of people and the commandments of God.
Be aware; don't allow yourself to become in league with those who look only to grow and improve themselves.
Blessed Jesus, you warned us to be cautious, and I will follow your advice. This world is a challenge, every day bringing sorrows and smiles as I see what is happening. It would be easy to get caught up in the mire of many days and lose hope, but I will not. Instead, I will remind myself that there is an opportunity to make a difference in these situations and see if there is a way I can. If nothing else, I can encourage others to consider these situations as you would have us feel about them. I will talk about and share different options with people. Together, you and us, we can make a difference and change the world. I know every small step counts. I begin anew today with this prayer for your help to make a difference for you. Amen

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
I begin anew today with this prayer for your help to make a difference for you, God.