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The World of Words and Art of
Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT

Christian & Tangling Blogs


Products & Printables


Praying for Our Earth
And- God-Created-Man-Acrylic-Painting-Depicting-the-New-Universe-Earth-and-Humans-Original-Painting-by-Texas-Artist-and-Author-Cindy-Rae-Fancher-Orange-Yellow-Blue-White
Just in!
Two Volumes of the Finding Your Creative Bones® Devotional & Journals have been published on Amazon!
Paperback Book Cover of Finding Your Creative Bones Volume 1 Day 1-31 Devotional and Journal
Paperback Book Cover of Finding Your Creative Bones Volume 2 Day 32-62 Devotional and Journal

The Finding Your Creative Bones Daily Devotional & Journal Volumes 1 & 2 are unique and powerful tools for deepening your spiritual connection while exploring and nurturing your relationship with God. Use them to help you find your creative bones, not your creativity, the Creator that lives within you. He is within you, waiting to share himself with you if you listen.


Created as a result of God speaking to me during an intensive Bible end-to-end study, the devotional journals include daily reflections, prayers, tangle art, a word of the day, scripture references, and daily pages for doodling and journaling. With a focus on transforming your faith journey and personal experience with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, these devotional journals are an insightful and transformative experience.

Black and White Heart Shape Filled with Tangle Art on a Red Circle Background
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Many people don't realize they have God within themselves; through my daily devotional, art, and products, I help people transform their lives by finding God, the creator, within themselves.


     Welcome to the creative world of Cindy Rae Fancher, author, mixed media artist, and Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT®). 
     Finding Your Creative Bones® is a daily Bible-based Devotional Blog resulting from a 9-month journey through the Bible with God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus. The remarkable and life-changing journey led my mind and pen to record a daily reflection, prayer, word of the day, and tangle art. Throughout the experience, I felt the Holy Spirit offering the words that he felt readers most needed to see and learn from. The devotional is for you to learn and grow with. The Father's words are recorded for your life. You can become closer to God and have a richer faith experience with them. I know the experience gave me a newfound belief based on the truths within Scripture. I embarked on a journey of tears, laughter, and a new sense of peace. You can discover these also. I became closer to God than I ever knew was possible.


This experience helped me really understand how God made us all creators when he created us in his image. We are not all artists, but with God within us, which is Jesus' promise, we, too, are creators of our lives.

As God works to transform my life, I hope to offer you some thoughts and inspiration to bring joy and transformation into your life in a way you didn't expect when you arrived. God bless you.

Cindy Rae

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